Bottle cap or “crown” collecting has become a very recognized collectable. Just do a quick search on Ebay on any given day and you will find thousands of auctions for collectible bottle caps. Do a Google search and you will find many more websites that offer crowns for sale and trade. As more collectors pursue these miniature pieces of artwork, the value of scarce crowns continue to climb. What constitutes a scarce crown? How much is a rare crown worth?

The value of anything is a measure of supply and demand. In the world of stamp and coin collecting, specimens of 10 or less known to exist demand hundreds of thousands of dollars. In antique bottle collecting, a specimen of one or few examples may fetch $50,000 dollars or more. In antique beer cans, sole specimens have brought as much $40,000. It all depends on demand. In bottle cap collecting, one of a kind bottle caps have brought up to $500. As more and more collectors and/or investors join the hobby, you will inevitably find the value of one of a kind or few known specimen bottle caps to rapidly gain value.

Like any other collectable, the value of scarce bottle caps is closely tied to condition. The most desirable crowns for collectors are generally the oldest, unused crowns (never put on a bottle) in like new condition. Bottle cap collecting is in its infancy and now is a great time to look for and save those truly scarce caps that may become your family heirlooms for generations to come.

AlcoholContents.com will be gradually adding rare bottle caps that viewers have specifically requested. While we specialize in antique American beers feel free to submit or request information on International brews. This page features rare caps from upstate New York. Please check back later for other regional beers.